In this period, where everything has slowed down, we are left to comprehend the mountain of loss in front of us. In this blog, I hope to share some thoughts on how to climb this mountain and find joy in seeing the light that perpetrates eventually. During this season, I have reflected a lot on grief, especially seeing the numbers every day of lives lost and losing a beloved pet. Grief can make life seem so burdensome and make us feel incredibly isolated, especially during a time when we are physically detached from our loved ones.
This quarantine is giving us much more time to think about and process our emotions and we are all experiencing some sort of loss whether it is the loss of a loved one, loss of a job or loss of a routine among so much else. The Bible has a lot to say about grief but I want to focus on John 11 today; where Jesus himself lost a close friend, Lazarus.
In John 11:35, the shortest verse in the Bible, it states ‘Jesus wept’. God knows grief, his heart breaks for us and whether you are experiencing grief or not during this season it is important to take heart in the thought that God knows and understands the way you are feeling. Grief is not from God; it is from sins presence in this world. God has so much love for us, he weeps with us and carries us through these dark valleys. It is okay to grieve; God meets us where we’re at.
During this time, it is so important to share in our suffering with others, as Thomas demonstrates in John 11:16 “Let us also go, that we may die with him”. The disciples went with Jesus to experience their emotions collectively and God provides us with a family to bare our burdens with, in the church. So much peace can be found in being vulnerable with others and allowing them to pray for you and weep with you.
Our greatest comforter is God, and although grief can distance us from him we have the hope of eternal life because of Jesus, where God will “wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:4). Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead and we know that God has conquered death and promises us a kingdom full of joy and worship. Death is not the end, and we can find hope within this darkness because of it.