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How is hope for creation intertwined in God's word?

‘In His hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.’ - Job 12;10 ESV

Looking at the intricacies of creation and the connectedness of each part within the environment, we can see the vast and amazing scale of nature. However, when we look at climate change and the threat of natural disasters, we see the flip side of this, and it seems that nature can be uncontrollable and frightening.

This verse shows us that above it all is God’s love for all he has made.The fact that this comes from the book of Job shows just how much God cares for his world - Job went through almost unimaginable suffering, but despite it could still see that God holds all life dear to Him. We are brought back to the hope-inspiring, rescuing truth - He with us, for us, and not against us.

The God who made this Earth is in control, He holds everything carefully in his hand, going before us and beside us. For ‘in Him all things hold together’ (-Colloss.)

‘I brought you into a plentiful land to enjoy its fruits and its good things. But when you came in, you defiled my land and made my heritage an abomination’ - Jeremiah 2;7 ESV

Humans are not perfect. We all sin, and it isn’t something to be denied. One of these sins has been and still is that people are destroying the land God gave us. But God does not leave us in our sin, He has shown us through verses like this one that this is not what he wanted for his world.

We should not feel condemned or live in fear, for faith is the opposite of fear -

Faith is trust, hope, belief that God has something better planned, and knowledge of His love for us and creation.

Humans may have made a mess in many ways, including a mess of this planet, but with God’s guidance and help we can work towards His justice and combat environmental issues. He hasn’t condemned or abandoned us, even if problems feel dark. We are His, and he holds us, our breath and life, safe in his hand. Therefore, we need not fear (see Isaiah 41:10)

‘All look to you, to give them their food in due season. When you give it to them, they gather it up, when you open your hand they are filled with good things.’ - Psalm 104 ; 9 ESV

This verse, too, speaks of God providing for all, both humans and animals. All things are in His hands.

‘All things were made through him [...] in him was life, and the life was the light of all men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ - John 1;3-5 ESV

Light comes from God’s perfect creation, and through his spirit, his light can shine through us. So although there is darkness in the world, God’s hope and light is stronger, from the beginning until the end of time.

Written by Ellie Kutschera


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