Sounds easy right.
Well it’s not.
If you are reading this as a believer, then you are aware of God’s characteristics. And one of them is that He is Omniscient. As in, All Knowing.
God knows the end from the beginning. God knows the night before the day. God knows death even before life. He knows EVERYTHING.
Why is it that we find it hard to trust Him with our lives then?
Personally, this pandemic period has taught me how little I can actually know about tomorrow, or the days to come.
Like many, I had plans that I looked forward to fulfil and accomplish, but today I am sat here having not accomplished even 50% of what I aspired to do.
Seems like a joke right. Well it’s not.
Life has a way of turning out in the least expected way. What we may be sure of today, can become so uncertain tomorrow. What we may think we know, can leave us clueless in the most embarrassing way.
Now, I’m not writing this to bring the capacity or ability of human knowledge or wisdom down, rather, my aim is to encourage us to let go of what we may think we know, and trust God with that which we actually do not know.
There’s a sermon I was listening to by Steven Furtick, and he explained that humans are actually obsessed with knowing things. He talked about how the more knowledge or information a person accumulates, the more safe he/she feels.
Which I can relate to if I may be honest.
For example, imagine boarding a train in stormy weather without being informed of the dangers ahead. One would contemplate whether they really want to go on the journey. But you find that railway workers carry out the responsibility to inform their customers of any hindrances and weather conditions that may delay or hinder the travel. And with this information, as a passenger you feel safer and because you are well informed, you may decide not to proceed with the journey.
However, take a flight for instance. I don’t know about you, but I enjoy flying, and I do so regularly if I may say.
Moreover, from the journeys I have been on so far, I do not ever recall inquiring about the pilots nor the plane's condition before boarding. The moment I get to the airport and I check in, after having said my prayers of course, I trust the airport staff to get me to where I need to be. I do my part, and allow them to do theirs. Without questioning them. Because I know that they know what they are doing.
Why can’t it be like that with God? He who created the heavens and the earth. He who knitted you personally in your mother’s womb. He who knew you before this world did. He who has a plan for your future. He who never leaves nor forsakes you. He who knows your coming and your goings.
With this, I challenge you to trust God and make Him the pilot of your life. Let your faith be your passport, and Jesus burden which is light, be your luggage, and His yoke be your ticket. Sit tight, and trust Him to lead you into the horizon that you are yet to discover, and He will give you a safe landing.
Be encouraged with this scripture;
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your Heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways, submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.”