When we look at planet Earth today we see a continuous juxtaposition between beauty and disaster. It feels like a longshot from Genesis when God looked at what he created and said that it was good.
God’s first command for mankind was to steward the earth, ‘The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it’ (Genesis 2:15 NIV).
This demonstrates that our relationship with the environment and God are deeply intertwined as his intended purpose for us was to protect his creation. However, due to our sinful nature, we have exploited the earth and our greed has meant that some are left with nothing. This has both affected our connection with both God and our neighbours.
As Christians, we are called to ‘do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow’. (Isaiah 1:17 NIV). Jesus also commands us to ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Mark 12:31 NIV).
Everything we do to manipulate the environment has a direct effect on someone else. This is why Christians should care about environmental injustices; because we are called to serve God through loving others. Sacrifice is required if we want to reconcile our relationship with God, creation and with others.
This is why we are doing this campaign. We want these injustices to be known and to pave the way for resolution, which in turn will restore harmony to our relationships.
Helpful resources used:
- ‘Planetwise’ – David Bookless
- Tearfund’s ‘Just Living’ Bible Plan